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History of the Golden Gate Area Council


Camp Dimond - Timeline

191901/20/19Camp Dimond, 28 acres of land is acquired from the FM Smith reserve for $20,000. Dimond is the first permanent camp of the Oakland-Piedmont Council.
191903/19/19Oakland-Piedmont Council dedicates Camp Dimond near Oakland’s Montclair district
192006/14/20Mess Hall is built at Camp Dimond by the Building Trades Council (40′ x 112′), 4480 sq ft
192105/30/21Camp Dimond, 115’ camp flag pole installed, tallest in Bay Area at the time, flag flown at camp is 600 sq ft (20’ x 30’) and can be seen from 12th Street bridge at Lake Merritt. Flag pole was replaced in 1936 after it collapsed in a major wind storm
192311/01/23Oakland Area Council hosts the Region 12 Scout Executive training at Camp Dimond for 80 Executives from seven states. It was the opinion of all present that Dimond was the finest and best equipped training center that the group had yet visited.
192311/11/2321 open-air Troop cabins were built at Camp Dimond over the past year to replace the tents that had been used since 1919. The cabins were built by various Troops as well as one by the Oakland Rotary Club, Oakland Kiwanis Club, Oakland Lions Club and one by the Alameda County Laundry Owners Association.
1924 The OAC purchases the land occupied by the swimming pool at Dimond that was excluded from the original purchase
192504/03/25Ground Breaking ceremonies were held for construction of the 1500 seat Greek style amphitheater at Dimond. Built with funds raised by the Oakland Exchange Club
192505/23/251500 seat Greek style amphitheater is dedicated. Built with funds raised by the Oakland Exchange Club
192606/26/26First Aid Cabin is Dedicated at camp Dimond, built by Oakland Kiwanis Club
192704/01/27Patrol Leaders Conference for both the Oakland Council and the San Francisco Council was held at Camp Dimond.
1928 Bleachers and shower house are built by Oakland Kiwanis club at Dimond
1929 The nature den or bug house is built at Dimond
193104/30/31Oakland Exchange Club installs 500 gallon hot water tank to feed 10 heads in the Dimond shower room
193303/26/33OAC Council Headquarters moves into the Camp Kiwanis building at Camp Dimond to become the new headquarters for the OAC (1933 – 1949)
193306/12/33Camp Dimond opens for summer camp
193406/11/34Dimond and Dimond-O open for summer camp (three sessions)
193602/06/36North Pacific winds topple Camp Dimond’s 110’ flag pole. A smaller flag pole is installed later in the year to replace the pole that had been in use since 1921 and visible from downtown Oakland.
1939 Boys Life (June) article indicates Camp Dimond will be provided as a camping spot for Scouts visiting the Golden Gate Exposition on Treasure Island.
1943 The mortgage to Camp Dimond was paid off.
194510/01/45Oakland Schools bond measure of $15M (includes money for building of two new schools) passes. Ultimately the school site will be on the grounds of Camp Dimond 
194710/30/47Oakland Public School advises Oakland Council that they want Camp Dimond property and will take any necessary steps to acquire the land.
194808/10/48Camp Dimond, closes forever at end of camping season after 29 years in Oakland
194811/14/48Camp Dimond property is turned over to the Oakland Board of Education following condemnation of the property. Council office remains on the property until May 1949.
194901/09/49Equipment and supplies from Camp Dimond are moved into temporary storage at Camp Shoemaker on the grounds of Camp Parks in Dublin
194901/25/49Scout Cabins at Dimond are put up for sale to any perspective buyer
194903/01/49Oakland Public Schools takes possession of Camp Dimond. Grading begins as the former camp is flattened in preparation for the new school buildings. Sixty years later in 2009 a few support structures from the 2000 seat amphitheater, portions of the Indian village and some power lines are still visible.
194905/08/49The famed “Bug House” containing BC Cain’s library and specimen collection from Camp Dimond is moved to Camp Meek in San Leandro (63 East Lewelling Blvd.)
194906/18/49Moving Day for Scout office from Camp Dimond to Garfield Elementary School
195009/03/50Joaquin Miller Elementary School and Montera Junior High opens on grounds of the former Camp Dimond.

Camp Dimond Misc

Field Day Brochure – 1919

Map of Camp Dimond – 1945

OUSD Letter Demanding Dimond Property – 1947