History of the Golden Gate Area Council


Yerba Buena Timeline

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191002/10/1910Boy Scouts of America is FoundedChicago, IL
191507/16/1915Order of the Arrow is FoundedTreasure Island, PAInitially the organization is called the W.W.W.
1922??OA becomes official BSA experimentn/aThe Order becomes an official program experiment of the BSA
1924??Name changed from WWW to OAn/aName changed from Wimachtendienk W.W. to Order or the Arrow
193406/02/1934OA approved as part of BSAn/aOrder of the Arrow is approved as part of the National Scouting program
194406/01/1944Swegedaigea Lodge EstablishedSilverado CouncilLegacy Lodge
194411/29/1944Royaneh Lodge EstablishedSan Francisco CouncilLegacy Lodge
194707/01/1947Machek N'Gult Lodge EstablishedOakland Area CouncilLegacy Lodge
1947??Kaweah Lodge EstablishedAlameda CouncilLegacy Lodge
194808/23/1948OA becomes official program of BSAn/an/a
195201/23/1952Oo Yum Buli Lodge EstablishedMt Diablo CouncilLegacy Lodge
196501/01/1965Achewon Nimat Lodge EstablishedSan Francisco Bay Area CouncilFormed by Royaneh & Machek N'Gult merger
1993??Ut-in Selica Lodge EstablishedMt Diablo Silverado CouncilFormed by Oo Yum Buli & Swegedaigea merger
202004/27/2020Councils vote to mergen/aCouncil vote to merge, so to will the Order of the Arrow lodges
202006/01/2020GGAC Council Officially beginsn/aOfficial date of Council Merger
202009/01/2020Merger Task Force EstablishedOnline via Zoom3 Youth/2 adults from each lodge
202012/16/2020Yerba Buena Name AnnouncedGGAC Board MtgGGAC Board Mtg
202101/01/2021Yerba Buena Lodge Establishedn/aFormed by Achewon Nimat, Kaweah & Ut-in Selica Merger
202101/16/2021Winter Camp AwarenessOnline via ZoomNot technically YB event
202101/23/2021Lodge ConventionOnline via ZoomAdi elected 1st Lodge chief
202105/21/2021Vigil OvernightRancho Los Mochos13 legacy members took their vigil (3-OA282, 4-OA379, 6-OA58)
202106/01/2021Founders Flap is issuedOnline Trading PostFounders Flaps available online from 05/01 until 11/31/21
202107/01/2021Legacy Trading Post item Sale beginsOnline Trading PostLegacy Lodge items available from 07/01 to 08/31
202107/03/2021Vigil OvernightWente Scout Reservation1 legacy member took his vigil (1-OA282)
202108/15/2021Yerbafest / BBQCamp Herms85 members were in attendance, Red Flaps available for first time
202109/10/2021W3S / W3N ConclaveCoast Guard Island64 in attendance
202109/25/2021Lodge InductionCamp Herms78 members took their induction
202112/03/2021Lodge ElectionsOnline via ZoomAdults not allowed to attendm, Chase VanDerveer elected chief
202112/04/2021Lodge DinnerAlameda Elks LodgeNew officers sworn in at dinner, Lodge NC available for first time, Vigil tapout
202201/01/2022Second year of YB beginsn/an/a
202201/15/2022Winter Camp Awareness (Canceled)USS Hornet (Canceled)50th Winter Camp Awareness (Legacy Achewon Nimat)
202201/17/2022Wekemnayon Issues Village FlapVillage Meeting
202203/05/2022Polestar Trainingn/a
202203/19/2022Lodge InductionCamp Herms
202204/02/2022Leadership DevFaith Lutheran Church
202204/30/2022Vigil InductionRancho Los Mochos
202206/03/2022Trade-O-ReeCamp Herms
202206/04/2022Fages II HikeWildcat Canyon
202207/25/2022National Order of Arrow ConferenceUO Tennessee36 Attendees (25 Delegates, 4 Virtual, 7 Staff)
202208/14/2022Yerbafest / BBQRancho Los Mochos
202209/17/2022Section G17N ConclaveCamp Lassen55 Arrowmen from YB Attend
202210/15/2022Lodge & Vigil InductionCamp Royaneh
202212/03/2022Lodge DinnerAlameda Elks LodgeNew officers sworn in at dinner, Vigil tapout, 143 attendance
202301/14/2023Winter Camp AwarenessUSS Hornet51st Winter Camp Awareness


Sea Scouts




Shooting Sport


Scouting for Food

Order of the Arrow