History of the Golden Gate Area Council


Alameda Council Timeline

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191611/28/16Alameda citizens organized by W. Barclay Stephens, voted to charter and enroll with Boy Scouts of America (BSA)
191612/08/16Alameda Council was officially organized at the Haight School auditorium attended by H.D. Cross, National Field Scout Commissioner
191701/01/17Alameda Council (#22) is formed
191702/17/17First Community Good Turn event by Alameda Council held at Alameda Beach
191703/03/17First outing by Alameda Troop 3 held in the hills of Oakland
1917National BSA grants charter to Alameda Council, first 7 Scout troops organized on January 19 with 70 Scouts
191802/05/18Alameda, Berkeley and Oakland Scouts share a weekend campout at Upper Dimond Camp
191906/27/19Camp Stephens is established in Lake County
1919First summer camp of 75 Scouts held by council at Camp Mirabel
191909/19/19Council begins task of looking for its first Scout Exec with a fundraising campaign
192006/18/20Camp Stephens is established in Towle
1920Clinton Kelly becomes first Scout Exec of Alameda Council
1920Council secures First Class Charter from BSA, Clinton W. Kelly becomes first Scout Executive
192106/10/21Camp Stephens is established in Calistoga
1921Sea Scout ship established in Alameda, Everett Sprague certified as first Alameda Eagle Scout
192206/17/22Camp Stephens is established in Niles Canyon
192207/16/22First Ant erradication program by Alameda Council Scouts
192303/05/23Alameda Council purchases camping truck for $450 to haul up to 15 scouts and their camp equipment
192406/26/24Camp Stephens is established in Pinecrest (permanent Location)
1925Camp Stephens established at Lake Strawberry (now Pinecrest Lake)
1926State of California approves incorporation of Alameda Council
1931First annual camporee of Alameda troops, first Silver Beaver awards presented to Abel Porter and W. Barclay Stephens
1932Held first merit badge exposition, first Alameda Cub Scout pack started
1940Council secures 101 foot-long vessel “Adventuress” (later renamed SSS Barclay Stephens)
1941Order of Solo Hikers honor society established at Camp Stephens when first honorees complete quest.
1942Acorn Chapter #60 Knights of Dunamis (Eagle Scouts) chartered to Alameda Council
194306/01/43Werner Von Berckefeldt memorial chapel dedicated at Camp Stephens
194706/15/47Kaweah Lodge 379 is formed in the Alameda Council
1948Kaweah Lodge #379 receives first Order of the Arrow lodge charter, inducts first Alameda OA youth members
1958Oscar Awards first presented at annual council recognition dinner
1959First Vigil Honor members of Kaweah Lodge Order of the Arrow inducted
1963Alameda Council votes not to merge with other BSA councils forming S.F. Bay Area Council
1971Explorer posts and Sea Explorer ships opened to older girlsn/a
1972Boy Scout summer camp moves to Camp Cedarbrook
1973New Alameda BSA Sea Base opened at Ballena Isle Marina, women join commissioner staff for first time
197401/01/74Camp Cedarbrook is established
1974First Golf Tournament held at Alameda Golf Club
1979Barclay Stephens Award first presented at council recognition dinner
1987Alameda Council’s first Webelos Woods organized and led by Kaweah Lodge
1988Scouting for Food annual drive for the needy started as part of National BSA effort
1994New BSA service center opens at 1714 Everett Street, 3 units participate in first council popcorn sale
1998First Venturing crews for girls and boys started in Alameda
199901/01/99Camp Cedarbrook is sold
200101/01/01Camp Stephens is sold to UC Berkeley for use as Camp Oski Family Camp
2010Scouts and Scouters celebrate BSA Centennial during various council activities, first annual Crab Feed and Auction
2011Endowment multi-year campaign kicks off, secures over $490,000 in pledges by end of first year.
2013Largest National Jamboree contingent in council history – 44 youth and 6 adults
2014First Advancement Day at USS Hornet for both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts with 173 youth and 90 adults
201511 youth and 5 adult Arrowmen from Kaweah Lodge attend National OA Conference in Michigan
2017Alameda Council celebrates council centennial during multiple events
202004/27/20Councils approve merge to form the Golden Gate Area Council, BSA
202006/01/20Golden Gate Area Council (#23) is formed by the merger of the SFBAC, MDSC and Alameda Councils


Sea Scouts




Shooting Sport


Scouting for Food

Order of the Arrow